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  • My life as a wife, mother, and child of God. I can tell a good joke, but only at my own expense. I can tell ya how to parent, but only by first failing. And I can tell you how to get to Heaven, but you gotta get there on your own.

« A Cute Kid Contest For Everyone UPDATED! | Main | We Have Winner!! »

December 03, 2009



Very cute kids...all of them. Aren't you glad you aren't making the decision by yourself!

He & Me + 3

THey are cute. I love how you named them. LOL


So hard to choose!


Hey there Amanda! Adorable kids... hard to choose. I'll have to think about it.

I'm a tad confused... had thought from your comment on the previous post that Alex's picture had made it "in time" to be entered as had some who had been sent in after him... guess not... not a big deal... just was surprised not to find his picture there....

Hmm... now off to ponder which one to vote for. :)


Awwww... they are all SO adorable! I love looking at cute kids!!


I vote for #17!


Oh, these are great entries...but that #15, the boy in the monkey shirt? The cutest :o)

Debra Gabrelcik

I vote for #19

Tina Fisher hard to chose.

Let's see.....again.

Still hard as they are ALL the cutest, along with my three of course.

Great contest!




I've been away for awhile, but am happy to jump back over and visit! I voted - but it was hard, they're all so darn cute! I love it I love it I love it! :)

Missing you!


this was so fun! some of those pics are so unbelievable cute. better go! off to make a purple princess birthday cake!


Adorable children - I love number six - smiling siblings! TOO CUTE!

P Potts

My vote goes to #7


Voring for #7!

S. Rague

All are cute but #7 is my favorite!


Number 1 is TOOOOOO adorable. Ok, I admit it, she's mine. But come one ;)


#20! So cute and mischievous. You can just tell he's up to something. I should know! :)


Obviously I have to vote for my own kids but if they weren't on the list I would so be picking 9 or 15, they are CUTE!


I voted but it is TOP SECRET ;-)

Cheri Peoples

I voted for her and she is tied for first with #12.


C. Cudney

I vote for #13!

stacy Ness

Does voting end tonight (Fri) or next Friday at 10?

Also #8 is the one that I voted for :)

Amanda Rettke

Voting ends tonight at 10:00pm!


They're all winners but I vote for #7


number 19 is the BEST one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda Sikes

What happened to the poll? I can't see it anymore.


so many cute kids..I like them all but I voted for #19, I love her blue pretty :)

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I love the pictures without photoshop.You're a very talented woman!! thanks for the post!

Baby Care

All Babies R Super cute....

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this was so fun! some of those pics are so unbelievable cute. better go


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Wow, what a great picture of the boy that's pointing with his finger, standing on the rock! I swear I have a picture just like that, from when I was a girl!

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