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Jul 26, 2011


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Very pretty!


Beautiful!!!!! I love the multi colored one in front of the pack. You have NO reason to be ashamed at all... not having any formal "technical intelligence" training only means you have nothing to unlearn.. no one has told you things are not possible.. so for you everything is possible... thank you for sharing with us.

Nicole/Life's a Batch

LOL, girlie! I love that even the things you "don't know" still turn out so fantastic! I love all of the cupcakes, but my very fave is the one that's front-&-center in the last photo - too adorable! :-)


These are FAB! I will have to make them for my mom, lilacs are her favorite and she returns tomorrow from a three week trip. THANKS!


Beautiful! I'm glad you posted a tutorial on how to make those.

Lisa @ GF Canteen

Just a guess, but I bet even some people who know what those tips are for could not do half as well as you with them. You have a gift! I am always happy when I visit your blog. And it makes me think I can actually maybe kind of frost a cake and make it look pretty good. I'll let you know. I have one cooling now. I love these cupcakes - how you take something so simple and turn into art like this is so much fun. you made my day.

Katie B

The 101-104 tips are used to make petals, like what you see on a rose, for instance, but that doesn't mean they arent what making your pretty lilacs as well!


I wanna be your neighbor so we can have tea and cupcakes every afternoon. :)

I'd be as fat as the house though.

Cookbook Queen

I just love the things you create!! You are such a wizard with a piping tip!!


Very nice :)


Awesome tutorial! Thanks! I'll be trying this one soon!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

These are just beautiful, Amanda!!


While I love the lilacs, the others that look like gerber daisies are fantastic! I love the ideas you come up with and trying them out myself. Thanks!

Rita Adcock

I think we could be best friends. I love all your stuff, so pretty and creative. Keep up the good work, cant wait to soo what comes next!!!!!

Ivy PM

thanks for the tutorial. now i have another simple and beautiful idea to decorate a cake...


These are beautiful! I'm inspired!


Thanks for th tutorial :)

Amy | She Wears Many Hats

Although it's hard to pick a favorite of your creations these are at the top. Lurve!


these are beautiful Amanda - just beautiful!! and i think even i, who is craft-challenged, might be able to do this!!


So pretty!


I like it. I like it a lot. I like you a lot.


Oh! Even prettier than the lilacs! I love the multi-colored. Thanks so much for the tutorial.


Those are sooo adorable and sooo pretty! =D

Georgia Pellegrini

When I finish moving, I'm going to buy so many cake tips so I can decorate like you! So so purty.




Those are the same tips you use to make roses.

I finished taking cake decorating classes a few months ago and wanted to do these exact cupcakes(mums) for one of my projects. I had seen some pics somewhere online and when I asked the instructor she told me to use a different tip (kind of a U shape). I didn't like the way mine turned out, but I love yours!

If only I had your creativity and imagination! Keep up the GREAT work!


Love it! Hear the cry out here saying, "more, more, more!"?


I have been reading your blog for a while and just soaking it all in and now knowing you never had any actual training gives me all the more gumption to keep going with my decorating! I love your tutorials. Please keep it up!


wow it's just beautiful! i will try this!!


Your cupcakes here are so pretty! I absolutely love that you come up with these flowers all on your own without any training at all. You are so creative!
I've taken two of the three Wilton cake decorating classes available at the Michael's craft store where I live. There we were taught how to make roses with a tip 104 like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxLnGEVBjAk but we also used tip 104 and 103 to make the petals for violets, apple blossoms, and primroses. They all use pretty much the same technique, shown here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9qgl4r3Hqc&playnext=1&list=PLE6E28FB705ADFC40

Hopefully that helps... I didn't do a whole lot of digging around on youtube so there may be better videos out there... It took me a while in class to get the technique right. But once you get the hang of it, you can make so so many cute flowers =)

Michelle Parodi

I love your blog...I always learn new things and I am a Wilton Instructor. I cant wait to try this out...thanks for sharing...we can all learn from each other. I love learning from my students. Keep up the great work!

niner // wechooseorganic.com

Ohhh thats so sweet. It would look awesome when you have the lilac cake AND lilac cuppies on a table.. mhmmmm...wonderful.

Thanks for sharing your tutorial, Amanda. Love it! :-)



These are fab - I love the one in the middle!

Danielle Mazzarino

They look great... will try it out!!

Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen

Nothing wrong with being self taught! Especially when you've got so much innate talent.


Brilliant!!! you KNOW how much I love this post don't you! {wink}

I can't wait to make some now!
Thanks Amanda, you ROCK my icing world!

Marie C

Wow - I LOVE lilacs, but even if I didn't, I'd LOVE these cupcakes! They look so absolutely professional. I see no reason at all for you to be "ashamed"!!! Thanks for sharing !


Those are the most beautiful cupcakes! Seriously - beautiful. I actually think I may be able to do these now!


Lilacs are my favorite flower! Love these!

Amy's blah, blah, blogging

So cute! Makes me wish I were smelling lilacs (my very favorite flower) right now.


As I scroll down the photos in your blog posts my eyes grow wider and wider. Gorgeous cuppy cakes girl! Love all your fab piping skills :)

bridget {bake at 350}

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! :) Loved your tutorial!!!

Jamie | My Baking Addiction

These are so gorgeous! I need to bust out my other frosting tip and try this technique out.

Elizabeth Branch

These are so pretty! I'm so glad you posted a tutorial. You make it look so easy, I think I might actually be able to make these! (:


It looks just as adorable on a cupcake! Great tutorial.

Mandi Stiles

Amazing, Amanda, as always! I love your simplicity in decorating cakes and cupcakes. The colors and decorations pop, without being over the top like I feel the decorating in the Wilton courses are. As some other people commented, I would love to have you as my neighbor!

Carrie - Carrie's Creations

Oh I love the new design even better than the lilac design, and I was dreaming about that one last week. You're amazingly creative. I must try this ASAP.

Danee Kaplan

Oh lady what you can do a mixture of wet sugar…….simply genius


so beautiful! i love love love you work!

Lynne @ 365 Days of Baking

So beautiful!! You are blessed with such a gift, Amanda!

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