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Mar 11, 2011


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Stephanie Meyer (Fresh Tart)

This cake makes me happy! The shamrock is incredible! And I can't imagine how much work it was, you crazy pregnant lady! Amazing, as always. Enjoy these last days of your pregnancy...so exciting :)

Aimee @ Simple Bites

It's totally a shamrock! And YOU rock. We're counting down the days with you until iambaby arrives. Hang in there!

Heather S.

My daughter would lose her mind over that cake. By the way, I just made that Guinness cake for my husbands birthday a few weeks back and it is so good. I'll be making Guinness ice cream this weekend...yum!

Jessica @ How Sweet

This is the cutest cake ever! I just still can't imagine doing the work on these cakes. You are SO talented. Would never, ever have the patience!


Honestly, you amaze me!


UNBELIEVABLE!!! you never cease to amaze me Amanda!!! just beautiful!!
a magical surprise!


wow sooo neat!

cara @ the boys made me do it

This is just so awesome! And early congrats too!



I was thinking and thinking and thinking about doing something similar and finaly gave up because I didn't know how to make the samrocks. Your cake is great and it looks great as a samrock inside too. And the outside... Is so colourful and beautiful !!!

The only idea I had at last is to make some kind of leprechaun hat cake, inside and outside.


It is in spanish, but I think photos are enough some times.

I must thank you and thank you and THANK YOU again for your great blog and tutorials. It is because of you that I have this "puzzle cake" fever. I can't think of another thing. ;-)


Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies

17 days! Holy moly! If you do this again next year, maybe you should make red velvet cake for the shamrock, but use green dye instead. (I can't take credit for that idea, my friend Annie did it on With Sprinkles on Top). And I totally would have just used chocolate coins for the base. It's a beautiful cake, Amanda. When I was a kid, I drew rainbows all the time. I loved them so much. (I secretly still do!)

Rowaida Flayhan

WOW!!! Amanda you are amazing and so creative, loving you blog and gorgeous posts. Wish you a safe and healthy delivery. God bless

Jennifer @ The Hudson Cakery

Wow! That looks like a LOT of work - but well worth the effort!! Another great blog post Amanda : )

Katie | GoodLife Eats

Sooooo adorable! I love the rainbows - so bright and happy.


very cute, i love the shamrock in the middle


Absolutely amazing! It's so beautiful, Amanda!!!

I don't know how you come up with these things... Wow!


wow!! its awesome!!
good luck with the c section!


Ok I have to figure out how you can ship this cake to me!! My Mom's birthday is St. Patrick's Day and she would love this!! Great job.

Hayley Rodgers

No TMI here.I'm happy for you! Great cake. I was telling a friend about your blog and said "She's good enough, she could make a cake with shamrock in it!" Low and behold 2 DAYS LATER you go and do just that. You are simple amazing!


LOVEIN that cake girlie! Totally reminds me of the rainbow shirt that I LIVED in during the early 80's (I think it was the early 80's).

Can't believe you've only got 17 days to go! I'm SO excited for you!!

Kelly @ JAX does design

Wow! I can just imagine how much work it was to make that shamrock! You are one seriously talented baker :-)

marla {family fresh cooking}

This cake is over the rainbow and beyond- awesome Amanda!! xo

Cookin' Canuck

You are so darn talented. The rainbows had me inspired...and then I saw that shamrock. Wow!


That is one pretty impressive cake! I cant even imagine how you did that.

Cookbook Queen

LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! As much as I adore the inside, I have to say that the rainbows are my favorite part. SO bright and pretty!!

Like you :)


I LOVE it! SO colorful on the outside, and brilliant on the inside :) Awesome job


OMG!!!! I LOVE this cake!I say this everytime but i think this is my favorite,well besides the rose cake. :O)

Darla @ Bakingdom

Your talent and imagination astound me! Great job, again! The shamrock center is incredible, and I love the bright, cheery rainbows around the outside!


you rock!
this cake is awesome & truly looks like tons of work…but, a labor of love!


Beautiful cake; it's just so full of color! Love!

Jenny @ Bakography

Truth be told after making the heart cake myself and knowing how much work that was, I'm pretty sure you are crazy for trying this! I'm SUPER impressed!

Jennifer Day

Fantastic looking cake!! When will they invent taste-o-vision?!

Congrats on the upcoming baby! Mine turns 11 months next week.

Diane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com}

really a super fun cake! OH 17 days looking forward to your new SWEET arrival :)


You astound me! This cake was awesome on the exterior and then you put that shamrock inside...I've read your tutorial on how you've done that on other cakes and I still am not brave enough to try it. Don't ever question yourself as you did earlier about naming your blog *i am baker* You Amanda, most surely are!


Absolutely not TMI! I've been wondering when you were due.

What a cute, cute cake!! I'm not sure if I want to tackle the inside, but the I'm pretty sure I can try the outside. Getting colors right is my hardest challenge in decorating.


Love the cake. . .as always so creative! The shamrock is awesome! And 17 DAYS-REALLY?! Are you nervous?!!!


Eu adoro suas criações! simplesmente maravilhosas!


That is one awesome cake! I wish you would share some tips on how to make the two cakes come together!!


you HAD to have painted that shamrock on AFTER cutting the cake. but i know you didn't. omg.

Amber wick

NOT TMI! You are so inspiring in every way! Thank you so much for the fun and beautiful blogs.


This cake looks amazing! I top my hat to you for making such a difficult cake when you are so close to giving birth. I remember when I was that far along and all I wanted to do was complain about how big I was!


Such an awesome cake! You're amazing! Happy soon to be baby day!

snippets of thyme

Holy Guacamole! I was already impressed and then I scrolled down. I can't believe the Shamrock in the middle. Don't even mention that the color is too dark, ANYONE would be completely blown away!!


AMAZING! I want to taste that! :p

Ana Powell

Wow, awesome work.
Absolutely impressive.
Wishing you s lovely weekend ♥


I LOVE IT. Wow!!


Amazing as usual. I so want to make this. Thanks for the inspiration.

chelsea perry

that's soooo cool! I need to start thinking like that! awesome!!!


It is very cool. Love it. I want to taste your cakes and cookies. I wish you lived in my city, or across the street and was one of those neighbors who would call me over when you needed someone to taste test your baking goodies. What? A girl can dream.


Wow, that is SO cool! Gorgeous cake. :)

Renee (Kudos Kitchen)

Only 17 days before baby? Oh my gosh! I am so thrilled for you! God bless you and your family Amanda. May you have a wonderful birth-day for you and your brand new baby boy. Oh, your cake is really cool too but it's nothing compared to your pending production! Sending you love and best wishes!

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