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Oct 19, 2010


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Jessica @ How Sweet

I could tell it was a bat right away! Even without the title giving it away. ;) Amazed as usual!


oh my gosh! i LOVE it. the inside is awesome! i have totally gotten in the halloween spirit too. haha it's weird because i never have been before. :) must be all the halloween inspiration floating around the blog-o-sphere.


I just want you to know I opened my email and saw the Iambaker update and said "YAY!" :]]

I love the outside, LOVE IT! and the bat is precious! Your cakes are always so adorable.

Two questions (hope you don't mind me asking), How did you get your BC that black? And is it royal on BC? I keep seeing on CC that you can't do that because the BC will break down the royal? But I am not pleased with how my BC piping skills are.

Anyway, I'm lovin this cake. I want to go downstairs and make one like it right now!


That is AWESOME! I love it! Silly me looked at the first picture and thought to myself, where is the bat?

Inside of course!!!

Beautiful as always! I am so so SO glad you are feeling better, both for you and for my cake viewing pleasure!


MEN! I could tell the inside of your cake held a bat right away. It is so neat how you do these wonderful *surprise* cakes but the outside of this one is what really makes me go *OMG* I love your silouette. Absolutely love it.

Kathia Castro

I love it, I could tell that it was a bat.Wondering how you did the inside, it seems difficul.
Great job with the outside decoration. You are so talented.I hope you are feeling well


I don't know how you do that?!? Love the stunning black and white!

Kelly @ JAX does design

That is the coolest cake I've ever seen!! You must have a LOT of patience, because that couldn't have been easy to do!!

I can't decide which I like better, the inside or the outside. It's ALL fab!!


Jessica @ Jessiker Bakes

I love YOU Amanda and this cake is sooo awesome! I love that little bird the most out of everything! I think it's so funny how your husband thought it was diamonds...I could definitely tell it was a bat. All you need to do now is mail a slice to Jamaica :)


One word. Yum. If that is in fact, a word. Well done yet again, Amanda!


Super Cute!! LOL @ your Hubbs comment, mine would probably do the same! Such dorks. Great job, lady!

Betty @ scrambled hen fruit

The bat inside is really neat, but I think the outside is really nice too!

the urban baker

this is so totally cute...just like you! however, i want the recipe for the glaze. you are so talented!xxxxx

Wardah Arif

This is really awesome! I can't believe you thought of that; I am impressed! :D And it totally looks like a bat :D


You drive me batty with your amazing creations :) I'm jealous! Great job!


LOVED IT!! Yes, I could tell it was a bat right away! :)


AHHH! Could you hear it? It happened every time I scrolled down to the next picture! AHHH!!! Love this! That tree in incredibly beautiful--like I want to frame it! Okay?
Silly question that I should just email you...why does my red sugar cookie frosting taste HORRIBLE? I used Wilton red coloring, but it was so bitter and the red wasn't even that dark. I just called them my diet cookies! :) Thanks for sharing your expertise!


OHH I'm just swooning over this.. I absolutely LOVE IT.. my house is completely monotone and I can't wait to try out my new pedestal ... I think I'm going to get my family involved in this one, I'm not very good at hand drawing...


Hah. I knew that was a bat! You're so amazing at this!


I panted with enthusiasm when I saw you had a new post, and you do not disappoint! Seriously- you are such a bad a#* baker! I absolutely love your gorgeous gourmet cakes. Very, very fun. By the way- I was so sad not to have met you at BHF! we made a mutual bestie in jenjenk :)

Becki D

amazing, amazing, amazing. as usual.

umm...i might be able to swing the bat (hah!) but there's no way I could draw that tree scene. you are an artiste!


WOWOWOWOWOW! That's cool! I do hope you will come link this up at my Thursday Making It With Allie Link Party!


I love it! I almost hounded you this weekend, unable to properly enjoy it without a weekly fall/Halloween cake... but I gave you a rest for attending BlogHer. *wink*


You always make the most amazing cakes. I love the designs and surprises :)


Absolutely love it! You are so talented. I can't imagine having the patience to make such a cool "inside" to a cake.

Blessings to you, Kari


This is a beautiful... I think I know where my normal inspiration for this time of year went. I'm normally working on a few different recipes- but haven't gotten "into" it yet this year.

Laura Flowers

So cute! I love the bat. I could tell right now, even if your hubby couldn't lol!

Lesley Yates

Amazing!!! Super duper cute!!!


super cool!! I love all your 'inside' cakes! (is it what it is called?) ..they are so fun..like you never know what you get until you cut the cake! ..now that quote sounds familiar...lol!


WOW! What a great idea to bake for my class! I am not even going to TRY carving out the bat. Instead, I'll just try a white layer cake and the awesome icing on top!

but first I need my broken oven fixed!


Just beautiful! You make the most amazing things:@)


so glad i found your wonderful & very creative blog!
this cake is stunning!!


Your cake is so beautiful!!! from the outside and the inside, it looks awesome!! congratulations for such a performance! it really looks like a bat!

meaghan (chic cookies)

Wow. I mean really. You have this surprise-cake thing down to perfection! (I posted a link on ediblecrafts.craftgossip.com, but I didn't reveal the surprise)

Renee (Kudos Kitchen)

You almost made me cry with this one Amanda! I seriously think you are the most talented baker I know! How in the world did you come up with this idea??? Of course it looks like a bat! Leave it to a man to only see lined up diamonds. Duh! LOL. BTW, I stumbled your post. This, and you, deserve as much attention as possible! Excellent, exceptional, elegantly done, work!!!
OK, enough gushing from me. I could go on and on. :)


I love it! You have such a creative mind! Thank you for sharing with us!

Christine Trebendis

Once again, you completely amaze me. Great job!!


hahaha I was able to tell that it was a bat. it looks gorgeous inside and out. bet it tasted good as it looks

Erica B.

Amanda this is amazing, unique, awesome and so many other words (LOL). I love your creative cakes!!

Ashley from Dallas

That is so awesome!! Good job!

Brenda @ a farmgirl's dabbles

What a FUN cake!!! You had me at the outside decor, then the cut through the inside came...WOW!!


So clever!!! What a fantastic job!


That is the COOLEST cake EVER!

Stephanie Meyer

Every Batman-loving boy in the world would go crazy for this cake! Just thinking about cutting into it to surprise my son (10 years ago, sniff, he's too old for Batman now...) makes me smile. You are so clever! And the icing is seriously gorgeous.


So awesome!!!!
This is too clever!!!

Jane M

So very clever and I knew it was a bat all along! The inside of the cake part looks quite time consuming. The frosted top - so darn GREAT! I bet the cake tasted great too!

hannah {greenoatsandjam}

a bat! how adorable! your cake looks awesome too (:



We love the black and white design on top! I know others have already said this, but you are extrememly talented! The girls and I are going to attempt a bumble bee cake w/flower cake pops for their birthday this week. Could you send us some good cake vibes please ;)


I never would have thought of making a design for the inside of the cake. This is fabulous.


OMG. this is amazing!!! the best inside of a cake i've ever seen! super great. LOL @ your husband -- "diamonds lined up?" It's ok, boys see the world in a different way.

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