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Jul 12, 2010


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hoooooow cute!! that was very sweet of her. and i love your cookies as always. i have a giveaway going on right now. don't miss it dear!


I love the stripes- like i said before, you do amazing work! I wish you lived closer to me- Id def order cookies from you for all my kids parties!!


Love the tiles! :) Super cute. And... as usual... gorgeous cookies. Always makes me want to eat one. :)

Blessings, Kari


I love it! Thanks for continuously coming up with new creative ideas so sponges like me can try them out! Guess what! I found an amazing little kitchen store in our town--complete with frosting tips and amazing food coloring! It's time to take this cookie decorating to the next level...that's the one right above baggies! :) Awesome cookies! I'm sure ADAM will be thrilled...with the cookies, probably not with turning 30. Silly numbers!


You have endless ideas in that head of yours! Love these! They are very original, and look great in your newly refashioned cookie dome:) Love the tiles too! Lucky you!


I love the simple elegance of the stripes! Mind if I copy the idea for my FIL??


Cute cookies - though I have to say I liked my polka dots better - but it was quite "manly"

God Bless!


gorgeous cookies..i love those stripes!


I only wish I could make stripes that straight! SO CUTE!!

Mark@Alcohol Calorie Counter

The way you drew the stripes makes me think you are a ruler!Nice job on doing those cookies, they are so colorful and very yummy to look at.


Great masculine cookies!
Those painted tiles are amazing - that is so sweet!

Jessica @ How Sweet

These are the coolest! I really love them because I love bright colors. So neat!

Joy Ellis

Love the striped cookies! The tiles are gorgeous! Have a blessed day!


What lovely gifts from Renee! She is very talented.

And YOU may think your cookies are un-original, but they aren't. Perfect for a guy! Your birthday cookies are always a way to start out my day with a smile on my face.
Please don't get bored with doing them! :(


I HAVE to comment on your cookies! I've not seen anything done like it before! Those are amazing Amanda and such a huge amount of detail and work! You have such an original design spirit. I LOVE it!
I'm so happy you like your tiles and are using them. You know I enjoyed making them for you and I'm thrilled you have been enjoying them! Thanks for the shout out too Amanda! I appreciate it!


The stripes are striking, and very masculine, well done :) Great painted tiles from Renee! She has a great name by the way :)

bridget {bake at 350}

These are such great cookies! Perfect for a guy...I'm always stumped making cookies for men. "Hey, how do you like sanding sugar?!?"

Anyway....the way you put the letters and stripes on there was brilliant! And the trivets are darling! Renee is so talented. Maybe someday Bake at 350 will have one *cough*. ;)

bridget {bake at 350}

I just wanted to clarify my comment....I can never come up with clever masculine cookies. I always feel like I'm offering something girlie like sanding sugar or sprinkles. I wasn't saying YOU should use sanding sugar!!! Hope it didn't come across that way!

You cookies are masculine perfection! I am inspired!


I think you are amazing!!


Your creativity is just amazing! I love the idea of the stripes but I don't think I have the patience ~ :-)

The tiles are adorable! Renee is quite talented.

Have a blessed week ~



You know, I absolutely love these! I think for guys, simple is PERFECT because I don't know any that would even appreciate the effort anyway! ha!


Love the idea you used for your cookies!


Those are so cool, and yes, very masculine!!!! How did he like them???


I don't know where you get your creative inspiration from Amanda but these are just perfect for a guy! Well done and so much work involved. I'm sure Adam appreciated every little icing stripe that went on these cookies.

Chef Dennis

Hey Amanda
those cookies are beautiful, I love how you did the stripes and the letters....I am just happy most days to get anything I bake out of the oven on time!
Thanks for sharing and all your hard work


So cute! I love all those stripes. I can't imagine being able to see straight after being done with all that detail!
So...do you keep dough or cookies in the freezer or do you make them fresh every time?

I used your inspiration and made a fourth of July flag cake. It was so fun (not near as cute as yours!) and can't wait to try it again next year. Thanks for sharing the idea!


okay, so maybe they're not WILDLY imaginative, but who's to say wild designs are best? they're perfectly-done and pretty (and delicious, no doubt)--that's all that matters!


these birthday cookies are just the cutest things ever! i absolutely LOVE them! you are incredible with what you create, i swear!


Oh my gosh! I love stripes. Now I can't stop thinking about how good your cookies are and how fun it would be to eat a striped cookie. I wish you lived closer or I would ask you to do the cookies for my sister's miracle baby shower (the baby is the miracle not the shower). But I'm afraid they would melt in transit or I would eat them all like I did last time and not have any dessert for the shower. So I think I will just dream about your cookies while I run 3 miles...

shelly (cookies and cups)

I LOVE these cookies! So creative!


I've probably been baking for 62 years (I'm now 66) and still cannot put a straight line on a cookie. Do you just do it freehand or use some kind of guide? Any advice would be appreciated, though I realize artistic ability is critical. I think I was absent the day God handed out artistic ability. Thanks for sharing.

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