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Jun 03, 2010


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I think that they turned out great!

Lesley Yates

Are you kidding!!?? Those are amazing. I want those for my birthday...but I'm not 13 anymore :) Awesome as usual!!!


Holy Moly... these are freaking aweomse... I've tried, tried, tried, and tried again... I am not good at sugar cookie decorating :(. You are a Godess! lol - Did you use stencils?? Or trace images/font onto the cookies before piping??

Thanks for sharing as always :) It's a pleasure to my eyes!!


OMG, your script is absolutely fabulous. YOU ROCK GIRL!

p.s. I was waiting for someone to say something about the Olympic Ring cookies. I didn't because I didn't want to appear like a nit-picker. Hope it wasn't the IOC that you heard from!


Radical rockin' cookies! Well done Amanda!


As soon as I got the email notification, I just KNEW it was for Miranda!!!!!!

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All my kids are looking at this, and as soon as we saw the red cookie w/ the guitar, we all let out a big gasp AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!

Haha..now my daughter understands why I was so excited. She said that she doesn't want anyone to eat them!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!

They look sooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to figure out how I'm going to plate them!!! LOL! But, my friend is making a white cake w/ fondant, and I know it will go perfect with your cookies!!!!!

I just hope I do the cookies justice by displaying them right!!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Amazing. I think she'd absolutely love them! The colour scheme worked out really well :)



Nervous to show them? I'm nervous now to ever show my work again, after seeing these.
I bow to thee, oh Kopykake-less cookie goddess.


1) I'm glad I got to see the Olympic cookie tutorial before it had to be taken down.

2) These cookies ROCK! heehee! But seriously, they are really awesome and I'm sure she will love them.

3) That little girl has a pretty awesome name! I'm just sayin'... ;-)


You are the Rock Star of Cookies! The guitars are my very favorite! So perfect!

Lauren @ Crave. Indulge. Satisfy.

I'm sure the birthdy girl will love her ROCKSTAR cookies! I am in awe of your re-creation of such a crazy font. Your work is truly amazing!


You rock!! Those are fabulous!!! What will you come up with next?


Your work would be amazing in royal icing. But in confectioner's sugar glaze?? Insane. Absolutely insane. I look forward to your posts most out of all my Reader collection.

I saw a 1S tip in one of your photos. Is that your favorite one for the detail work? Do you have "tips" for doing detail work for us amateurs out here?


Pretty sure you are the rock star here ... I can't even do letters in my own personal font, let alone copy one. Fantastic job.


You JUST learned how to write that font that Miranda is in? It is PERFECT!! Seriously, it looks great. Again, blown away by your talent.

And....I had no idea you had to get permission to use the Olympic rings! Did some big bad Olympic people come yell at you??


Oh my goodness, I can't believe those cookies! They are absolutely awesome! You are a master at what you do..I couldn't even begin to make those cookies! lol Good job, Amanda!

Kristin Morris

Amanda, these are phenom love!!!! They look sooo great! You did a fantastic job on them!!


This is the "orderer" of the Olympic cookies :) We had our "Last Day of School" Olympic themed party today and the cookies were a hit! All of my little 2nd grade Olympians got a medal and a cookie after their competitions and they were thrilled! Your work is amazing and I love reading your blog! Too bad the trademark police made you take them down! :)


I just can't stop staring at the photos!!!!!!!

Just amazing, Amanda!!! Just the font alone is incredible!!!

You know I have five kids, right? LOL...and all their bdays are coming up after hers. :)


You are a Rock Star!! Those are amazing. I had to laugh at your comment that there is room for improvement. Really?! Where?! These are absoutely perfect ~ Seriously!! I wish you weren't booked up for the summr ~ I would love to order some Sweet 16 ones for my Katie!!


this is just awesome! I love this platter and your letterings incredible! How do you manage to pipe the letters so perfectly! I'm in awe!


Awesome Amanda! Gosh, it must have taken you ages to write in that script!!! Ha ha ha. I wish I was your next door neighbor so that I could come over and eat your mistake cookies - assuming you ever have those. I usually have at least a couple that end up being set aside. Hugs to you!


They are amazing. Did you really get asked to take down the Olympic cookies?



bridget {bake at 350}

You ARE a Rock Star!!! Wow, Amanda! I can't get over that font! And the guitar! Just a perfect star would have sent me right over the edge and your stars are perfect, too! Totally awesome, dude!

Aaaannnd, I am behind on my email, so I did panic just a bit when I clicked on the link to the Olympic cookies and it said "page not found." I thought your whole site was down and I was going to have a nervous breakdown! ;) OK...I'm now off to stalk your flickr page.

Ashley from Dallas

You are SO talented!


You are incredible!


I'm lovin' those! I still can't believe you freehand everything. That's some serious talent!


I don't know what you r talking about they look awesome- the font the colors all of it!!! Awesome!!


What 13 year old wouldn't love these?? They look awesome and you need to give yourself more credit!


Wow, these RockStar cookies look fabulous!

I made Olympic cookies this year and my little brother joked about getting in trouble for posting them....seriously?? wow!


Your cookies always turn out amazing!! Thanks for commenting on my post, but I have to clarify something. The two girls who didn't end up liking the cookies are my PICKIEST eaters!! The rest of my family LOVED them!! Thanks for your inspiration!!

Lisa Olson

Oh My God these are great--how in the world did you manage that font??

I bow down to you..


Wow, you duplicated the design perfectly! My favorite cookie is the one with the guitar and her name:)


I don't even know what to say about these cookies. There are seriously no words to describe the awesomeness of these. As someone who is struggling right now with just plain 'ol writing on a cookie, I bow down to you and your fancy font! I mean wow. Just WOW.


How did you get the fonts so nice freehand? My friend had wanted me to make cookies with a big fancy W on them for her wedding but my samples were so awful im going to have to do something else. Any tips on how to do it better?


You are SO TALENTED. I love your blog and look forward to your updates! Cookie making is exhausting for me so I'm really thankful that you update so frequently. You are awesome!


I think you are the rock star!! These are absolutely amazing! You are so talented!

He & Me + 3

amanda...you rocked this theme. great job!


when i think of rock stars in the world of decorating, the first name that comes to mind is amanda from i am baker. seriously. no, i'm serious. bravo. :)


These cookies are awesome! I know Miranda is going to have a very special birthday. :)

shelly (cookies and cups)

Those must have taken you a long time! You have one busy cookie making lady!
Great job!

Amy's blah, blah, blog

Woah! Those cookies...woah!!

Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction

Love these!! I'm so impressed by the lettering/font you used... Incredible. I would have loved these when I was 13. Heck, I'd love them now!


DO you have tips on getting the stars to have such sharp edges? And do you have a tried and true method of getting crisp edges with the royal?? Please respond to me via Email! I googled "star cookies" and your blog came up, I am working on making Stars for a bake sale that represent my husband's nick name "bally star".


It's incredible that you can't show your olympics cookies !! and BRAVO (en français dans le texte :-) ) for your Rock Cookies !! I can't imaging the time you need to write "Happy birthday 13" !!

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Close-up of our 4" Rock Star cookies. These were part of the order for an employee recognition event. Simple design but the wording is always slightly challenging. I really started to like the color combo near the end!

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