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Mar 04, 2010


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Amanda!!! That is so awesome! I'm still in the 'baby steps' stages but I'm so gonna do that one of these days! Thanks for sharing your inspirational creativity!

Joy Ellis

Love it!!


Once again, you did an excellent job!


You are amazing.
And, you know? Because of your little "warning" above, I was going to pay attention to the "amazing" and "yeah" comments. But I was so taken by watching you that I didn't even notice.
Will you move to Michigan and do something like this for Michigan bloggers? *grin*


Can I have your autograph?


Awesome, awesome, awesome!! I totally agree with you about Bridget. She is AH Mazing!

bridget {bake at 350}

AMANDA ROCKS! (I think that's worth more Scrabble points!)

You *seriously* made my entire year, no, decade! I did not deserve all of those kind words! I'm so, so grateful that blogging has brought me real, true friends...even though I've never actually seen their sweet faces in real life. You, though, you I get to see on TV and that's *almost* as good.

Of course, my hubby had to work late tonight....I couldn't wait to show him! Here's a link to your segment and all the blogs you mentioned.

And, I'm going to give a ditto to what Kate said:
Can I have your autograph?


Oh my gosh....how totally creative!!!

And those look soooo moist!


my mom would love this. she's a scrabble ADDICT!!!


Such a creative idea! You did a great job!


You are so creative!!! Brilliant!


you looked GREAT! You looked like a picture of calm and confident -- no nervous butterflies showed off there! Thanks for sharing the link.


Girlfriend, those are adorable!!

shelly (cookies and cups)

So cute! I love these little cookies ~ my kids would have a blast with them!


I am in love with your scrabble cookies! And I love visiting your blog!!!!


The cookies are adorable

The show segment was awesome

and I think Bridget Rocks too!


Awesome idea for cookies! LOVE them! Great job!


Both you and Bridget are very talented and gracious ladies and I am learning tons from both of you. Just watched your segment...it was great as were you. You did a super job with the Scrabble cookies. I imagine it took some organizing to get them all laid out. Keep up the excellent work.

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i like this part of the post:"My most recent segment on Twin Cities Live was my favorite yet!

I got to talk about some very fun blogs... and TWO of them are baking blogs.

The first is this sweet little site by Erica Lea called Cooking for Seven." is very good

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I've enjoyed reading the reactions to Bob's comment's about Obama's connection to deliberative politics and his references to the "common good." A recent New Yorker piece takes a similar position and contrasts Obama's "deliberative" style with Clinton's penchant for partisanship: See George Packer's "The Choice" in THE NEW YORKER (Jan 28, 08).

In these discussions about Obama, Democrats, and the common good, it is important to remember that
Michael Tomasky got the Democrats back on to the language of the "common good" with his article, "Party in Search of a Notion," from THE AMERICAN PROSPECT (April 2006).

This talk of the common good, from Tomasky's perspective may be completely in line with partisan politics and need not be identified with deliberation. See Tomasky's review of Krugman's new book, "The Partisan," in the NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS (54:18 Nov 22, 07).

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Just working through some notes on ethics and social networks and I thought I'd share the following paragraph that I've been working on - because it seems counter-intuitive at first.

There is a growing consensus that comments posted in social networks are not ‘in the public domain’ and that researchers should seek permission to use them. Researchers should also remember that because the internet is so readily searchable, they should avoid using literal quotes from social network discussions (in most cases) as this will potentially reveal who the respondent is.

In many codes of ethics and in a growing number of laws, the intention/expectation of the person making a post is important in determining what can be done with that post. In terms of privacy there are two issues. The first is that if a researcher has to join a network to see the post, then the person making the post is doing so in the expectation that they are talking to genuine members of the community, not to professional researchers or journalists. The second that is when somebody makes, say, 200 posts in their status bar over the course of a year, they did not have the expectation that all their quotes would be brought back together as a single corpus for investigation.

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Mmmm, looks absolutely delicious. I used to look forward to Caribbean black cake at weddings and other special events. Then I became a vegan, and that was the end of that. I'd love to sample this! Any chance you'd be willing to share the recipe? :)

Miri Leigh

Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!

So cute! I love these little cookies ~ my kids would have a blast with them!

Russische Frauen

A good blog! Awesome, awesome, awesome!! I totally agree with you about Bridget. She is AH Mazing!

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