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Dec 10, 2009


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Seriously, these are simply stunning! And I LOVE the messages on them!


Those are awesome. Makes me wanna bake! Too bad the kitchen is already clean and I am so tired I can barely see straight! Thanks for sharing your super fun creations. :)

Holly Neaton

Love them! God bless - Holly

Katie@ The Baby Factory

Oh Amanda.......I'm dropping by via Jamie @ Six Bricks High....and I have to say, I am absolutely in awe. And jealous. Do you wanna drop by Iowa sometime and teach me your skillz?! You are amazing, lady!
Adding you to my reader.

Amanda Rettke

Thanks so much! You are too sweet!! I will totally look you up next time I am in Iowa!! Many blessings-


Dang, woman! You are talented!! So much attention to detail. I hyperventilate just thinking about having to be that precises on ALL those cookies!


These cookies look beautiful. How long will they last? (under lock, key and threat of death). Also looking forward to making your Faithcake. Can you tell me how many it serves?


You are so amazingly talented, it takes my breath away. Gorgeous. Delicious. Wish I could attend that bake sale. :-)


stacy Ness

Your making me drool...But I like it:) Those look so good.

Hope to see you this weekend maybe :)


PS you can always bring some cookies along :)


Yummy! They are beautiful, delicious looking... You're amazing!

How long does it take you to frost each cookie? You must spend hours in the kitchen each day!



Beautiful! They look delish!

Amanda Rettke

Thank you so much Lisa... I could say the same about you!!!

Amanda Sikes

Again, amazing job. I am hoping, once our homeschooling is done for Christmas break to have time to bake more. I can't wait to try some of these ideas as a starting point. Thanks for sharing.

Jessica @ How Sweet It Is

I love the rectangle shaped cookies! That is so creative with the writing on them - you could make a business our of those as favors, etc. I can't believe you just started this baking blog recently. Your creations and photos are some of the best I have seen!


Those are amazing!! That one asking if Santa is frends with Jesus is awesome. :) You've got some great talent and I love checking out your new ideas.

Thanks for inspiring me to bake some more cookies and decorate!

Army Mom

As usual, your cookies are beautiful! I have just copied your recipe from Tasty Kitchen so that I may bake them this weekend!

Thanks for everything!



More amazing cookies, Amanda! You are so talented and creative! Your cookies make me excited for Christmas...not that mine will look like yours, but we're giving it a try at least!


The cookies are a hit. They are absolutely beautiful. You are right. I thought you'd donate a dozen not four. Thanks for blessing the school.

Jamie @ Six Bricks High

Amazing! Love the rectangle cookies. Love them all actually!

Rachel Watters

Now, those are some good looking cookies!

I think the blue was a great idea.

Hope the bake sale was a success!


Cute! You could totally use the rectangular ones as Christmas cards :).


I think I may "run away" to your house.... but don't tell my kids... Those cookies are wonderful...


I just made the cookie recipe and I'm amazed I actually had any left to put in the fridge to chill...that stuff is addicting! I ran out of vanilla so I just used more almond extract and it is still totally out of this world. Can't wait to try your techniques for decorating! :)


This might be a really dumb question but do you have cookie cutters in the shape of a rectangle and square or do you just cut them free-hand? Just wondering if I need to make a trip to the nearest cooking and baking store! :)

Amanda Rettke

I have a square cookie cutter and I cut out the rectangle ones... I have a couple squares actually and have found the better quality you get the easier to use..the flimsy ones tend to lose the square shape quickly!!

Have fun!


I love your cookies! They are so bright! The letter to Santa is my favorite:)

Cate O'Malley

So many gorgeous cookies, hard to pick a favorite! Love all the bright colors!


Amanda... I tried the recipe and LOVED IT! We are going to use it next week in all our Christmas Cookie Baking. I blogged about it here: http://www.mommytopics.com/confessions/christmas-cookies-the-dress-rehersal

Thanks so much for the recipe!
Merry Christmas!


You are sooo talented! Do you sell your goods!? :)

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