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Nov 14, 2009


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Tina Fisher

Wowwie....what a cake! I can't even come close to yours. Not my blue cake, the only closeness it resembles is somewhat of the same shade.

You rock!

Have a great dessert tonight!


I totally think of them as treasures also. I love that cake! Gorgeous.


Wow, it looks amazing! I attempted to make a 2-tier cake with buttercream frosting just the other week. Not only did my layers not look level, but as I tried to frost the cake the cake kept pulling up! I know you are a cookie making expert, but maybe a future blog entry could give a few cake (and frosting) tips? Buttercream recipe? Just an idea. :)

Amanda Rettke

Excellent suggestion Tonya! I will have to think about it. I dont think I am quite good enough to be giving others suggestions... but maybe I can give pointers on where I learned stuff....

Blessings to you and Tony!


Amanda Sikes

What type of food coloring do you use to achieve such color? It is truly amazing! What a beautiful cake.

On a different note, when you ice your cookies how do you get the icing so smooth?


You always amaze me! :) It's gorgeous - You are SOO invited to dinner at my house! :) lol (REally, truly - whenever - at least as long as the girls don't have H1N1) and you don't even have to bring dessert - I just like your company!

Have you tried eBay? I have gotten some cookie cutters from there - nothing quite so nice. I should let you go through mine sometime - I have a TON - I love them - just don't use them and certainly can't decorate them like you do!


On the contrary, I'd of course want to invite you to dinner =)! Very sweet of Aunt to send those to you, obviously she knows you!


Love the cake! Just beautiful!!

Holly Neaton

The cake is beautiful! You are welcome for dinner anytime! And what a fun box of goodies to get from your auntie!

Amanda Rettke

Awe... thanks Holly!


I love your site!!! I am in awe of your detailed and intricate work! You have such a beautiful gift! Tell me, do you draw? I mean, are you an artist (besides what you are already doing?). I'm so impressed with your work.
May I ask...do you do "made to order"? I just can't get over how wonderful your work is. If you are looking for more advertising...I'd love to feature you on my blog...maybe do a little mini interview with you, if you'd be interested.
Anyway, THANK YOU for sharing your talent with the world!!
Blessings to you.

Amanda Rettke

Oh my! Thank you so much Nancy!! You are welcome to link to my blog or feature me you sure can... thank you for even considering me!

To answer your other question, I do not draw. I am not much of an artist, although I always wanted to be!!

Thank you so much for your VERY sweet thoughts... I really appreciate you taking the time to say them!!

Blessings to you-



What a pretty cake! And that package!!!! Wow amazing stuff.


GASP!!! I would love to get a box in the mail like that! And that cake...oh sweet mercy. Beautiful.


I love the monochromatic look! It's great. And that totally sounds like something I would do, plan some elaborate concoction that would take hours and hours to prepare, just for a casual dinner with friends. :)


Want to come to dinner here in MA?!!! LOL. :) Want to bring a dessert?! :)

Love the cake... and also the goodies you got in the mail. I think we have quite a selection of the copper cutters - from my grandmother? Not sure... i'll have to check it out.


The Gypsy Chef

I have Martha's Noah's Ark Cookie Cutters. They are beautiful as well as practical. I bought them years ago when my kids were young and Martha would present her wares in her magazine. I've seen many of her cutters on ebay, check there. She might still have them on her web site. Lucky women you are with your box of treasures! Pam


Super jealous of your fantastic "fun box"!! Have a good time with all those treasures. :)

Great cake too!

Rachel Watters

Yummy! If you brought that cake to my house for dinner, this is what I would do: Eat less dinner so I could have more cake! I really like the dots, too. :)

Also, I think I would start crying if someone gave me that wonderful box of "treasures!" That's quite a collection!



Oooh, I ~love~ 'hand-me-down' goodies like that! Lucky! I found a copper Christmas tree cookie cutter here: http://www.cookiecuttersonline.com/?christmas_tree_copper_cookie_cutter But, I've never ordered from them and they were rather pricey. Sadly, I don't have any myself, but maybe one of these days I'll get lucky and find some at a nice yardsale or auction! Beautiful cake, too!

Amanda Rettke

THanks for that link Janet!!!! And wow! You are right...they are pricey! I will have to start collecting pennies! :)

Hope you are having a blessed night!



Your cake is gorgeous! I remember when Martha used to sell those cookie cutters. I would think they are collectibles now.

Army Mom

Best. Package. Ever! And that cake... To die for!! I'm so inspired by you!

bridget {bake at 350}

First of all...you have some lucky friends. I think I would invite you to dinner every night.

Second...that PACKAGE! Lucky you!!! What a box of treasures!!! Have FUN with those!


That is so great! That looks like a perfect surprise for you. I bet you were so excited to open it.


Martha used to sell those cookie cutters through Martha by Mail. She discontinued the online store but perhaps she sells them through Macy's now. The petite fours are beautiful.

Kristin Smith

Beautiful cake. If you ever travel south to SD let me know - you can bring your family over to dinner and I will let you make dessert! I know..how generous of me right?! :)

Looks like you got a little early Christmas gift! Love it when family blesses us with the little things that mean so much!


Racing  cars  from middle east

Its a gorgeous color!!!Your works are mind blowing!!

Car wallpapers

Your blogs are just awesome and wonderful! That is so great!

Cristina Pena

Wow, oh my word! You really have a talent - like a serious gifting. My sister just showed me your blog and my face was frozen in shock & admiration by your delightful-yummy-looking creations. I simply wanted to tell you what I thought :). oh, also here's a verse I thought of while looking at your blog: Prov. 22:29, "Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men."

Be blessed today, sister!


Treasure indeed! I'm really enjoying your website...I accidentally stumbled on it and I believe it is safe to say-I'm hooked!


I have been scanning your blog today to find any tutorials or examples that would help a friend of mine attempt her first layer cake. Mission accomplished there. But, this blue cake begs the question... how in the heck do you get your icing so smooth and flawless? I bought a bigger icing knife, whatever it's called, and tried to get smooth icing on my faith cake but it's not as smooth as yours. Spill your secrets! LOL



Holy Cow! you hit the baking mother load!!! That Noah's Ark set is AMAZING!!! You did a great job on that cake - very pretty!!!

Why does Fondant get such a bad rap? If you use a good brand it tastes good. They even have a new line out that tastes like buttercream! YUM! I have even heard that Wilton has redesigned their fondant and that it doesn't taste bad or smell like play dough anymore - there is hope.

- Janel

Sue C.

I have a bunch of Martha's copper cookie cutters I am looking to sell, includng the first Noah's ark set (no box, but I do have the ark template), bug collection, and about 8 of the large copper cookie cutters. Most have never been used. I have thought of putting them on e-bay, but I'm not sure what is the best venue for this because, yes, I would like to get a reasonable price, and sometimes e-bay goes for dirt cheap. Any auggestions? Any interest?

coach purses

I do not think I am any better or any worse than most people, but I know that the world would consider me a monster of depravity, if I set down every action in my life and every thought that has crossed my mind.


While I can't respond to every one, I LOVE hearing your comments!

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